<--How to Swing trade <--Linux Tips
Ok I accidentally deleted my /etc/network/interfaces file and didnt have my access point connected to a pc, its just wireless now, so what I did to recover the file was this, please note if you delete the file shutdown your pc immediately or unmount your drive as fast as possible to avoid overwriting the deleted data. This method can be used to find unencrypted passwords and interesting information as well. This works best from a livecd/unmounted filesystem:
jpg Support for the JFIF and Exif formats including implementations
bmp Support for windows bmp format.
exe Support for Windows PE binaries, will extract DLL and EXE files
along with their compile times.
mpg Support for most MPEG files (must begin with 0x000001BA)
riff This will extract AVI and RIFF since they use the same file for‐
mat (RIFF). note faster than running each separately.
wmv Note may also extract -wma files as they have similar format. mov
ole This will grab any file using the OLE file structure. This includes PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Access, and StarWriter
doc Note it is more efficient to run OLE as you get more bang for your buck. If you wish to ignore all other ole files then use this.
zip Note is will extract .jar files as well because they use a simi‐
lar format. Open Office docs are just zip’d XML files so they are extracted as well. These include SXW, SXC, SXI, and SX? for undetermined OpenOffice files.
cpp C source code detection, note this is primitive and may generate documents other than C code.
all Run all pre-defined extraction methods. [Default if no -t is specified]
After you logged in from your ultra cool gdm theme the colour will briefly switch to a anoying orange colour. This can be changed as follows:
Open a terminal and write: sudo gedit /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default
Then change
# Default value
if [ “x$BACKCOLOR” = “x” ]; then
# Default value
if [ “x$BACKCOLOR” = “x” ]; then